Hi, welcome 👋
These boards are to be used for info sharing, learnings and queries within our growing community as we are all growing in similar conditions and climate.
NIFFA is a voluntary representative organisation and therefore we need all members to take ownership of how these forums are used. As part of that we ask you to therefore keep to the following guidelines:
Keep it friendly
Be courteous and respectful. Appreciate that others may have a different opinion from yours and thats ok.
Stay on topic
We have set up separate forums for specific areas so try to keep posts and conversations in the right topic for the board. This makes the resource easier to search back through for relevant information
Share your knowledge
I think we can all agree that we are not competing against each other but rather against a completely different product which is imported flowers. Therefore when one of us is doing well, we are all doing better so lets support and champion each other so we don't all need to make the same mistakes. So many of us are at different points in our growing cut flowers journey and so any advise and tips are invaluable!
Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory or harassing behaviour and speech
I really hope this will never be an issue but it still needs to be stated from the outset. There is a report function on posts if you feel something that has been said breaches this then click the report and we will be made aware of it and take down any posts deemed inappropriate.